Policy outputs:
Patterson, J.J., (2024) Civic Activism Against Climate Action and the Challenge of Backlash, in: ‘Civic Activism Against Climate Action and the Challenge of Backlash’, Civic Research Network – Democracy, Conflict, and Governance Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
- This chapter translates insights from the BACKLASH project and reflects on the implications for future civic and governmental action.
Patterson, J.J., (2024) Von Windrädern und Widerständen [Of Windturbines and Resistances], Internationale Politik, German Council on Foreign Relations, 28 Oct 2024.
- This article translates insights from the BACKLASH project to a European policy and geopolitical context.
Public outreach:
I have been interviewed by journalists from The Economist, CNN Business, TIME, NRC, NTV Turkiye, and DW.
Article in Dutch newspaper NRC: ‘Niet iedereen die op een radicaal-rechtse partij stemt is tegen groene politiek’ (20 June 2024)
- This article discusses climate policy and the rightward turn in Dutch and European politics. I argue that (1) climate policy did not play a major role in the 2024 Dutch elections even though agricultural policy did, and (2) proponents of climate policy should not automatically dismiss all voters of parties on the political right, but rather, try to find ways to appeal to them differently, especially those who are more moderate in order to weaken the influence of those on the far right.
Work referred to in: The global backlash against climate policies has begun, The Economist [October 2023]
Presentation at Betweter Festival (science-society knowledge and ideas festival) on the topic: ‘How to avert climate backlash’ (29 September 2023), Tivoli Vredenburg Theatre, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Patterson, J., Brisbois, M.C. 2021. How to make climate action popular (19 October 2021). The Conversation (series on the COP26 Glasgow climate conference).
Declaring sustainability issues as emergencies: is it a good idea? (25 August 2021). Utrecht University News. Further related items:
- Experts split over effectiveness of climate emergency declarations, new comprehensive academic review finds (20 Sep 2021) University of Sussex.
- Climate emergencies – do they help? (1 Nov 2021) University of Sheffield.
- Study about the political effects of declaring a climate emergency (4 September 2021) ClimateEmergencyDeclaration.org.